May - 2018 (Volume-8 ~ Issue-5 ~ Part-1)

Paper Type


Research Paper



Applicationon of Quantitative Fluorescence Analysis in Oilfield Development







Page No.



Fluorescence analysis technology has played a very important role in petroleum geology, especially in the early stage of exploration, oil migration of graduate students, and discovery of light oil in logging.


Keywords: Logging,extinction,Fluorescenceanalysis,Spectrogram,Flooded

[1]. QFA-II Quantitative Fluorometer and It'sApplication.WeihongShen.Petroleum Instruments, 2003, 17(3) 40-42

[2]. Logging frontier topics and prospects.XuezengGuo.Logging Technology, 2001, 11(3) 1-3.

[3]. Some understanding of quantitative fluorescence analyzer.Bin Li .Logging Technology,1999(06),69-70

[4]. Review and Prospect of Quantitative Fluorescent Logging Technology[J]. ZhongqiRen. Drilling and Completion Fluids. 2003(06)51-53

[5]. Applicationof Quantitative Fluorescent Logging Technology inReservoirDivision.YonggangHan,ZhaojianFeng.Natural Gas Industry, 2007, 27(11) 24-26


Paper Type


Research Paper



Simulation of Hybrid D-STATCOM for Commercial Load in Three Phase Four Wire Distribution System






Abhay Wagh || Karuna Nikum || Rakesh Saxena || Bharat Mishra

Page No.



The growth of electricity market has seen a change in the sense consumers perceive electricity. The electricity consumption can be roughly divided between three larger sectors — industry, household and commercial sector. This paper attempts to monitored and analyzed power quality (PQ) issues in commercial sector with a real case study for commercial load taken as educational building in Indore, India. The commercial or educational buildings major loads are computers, energy efficient lightings and official loads etc. This single phase loads within a building leads to a large amount of harmonics, mainly in neutral. A Hybriddistributed static compensator (D-STATCOM) isproposed to mitigate these harmonics...........


Keywords: Commercial load, harmonics, Hybrid D-STATCOM,IEEE 519-2014, APF, Power qualitymonitoring, PQ, Power quality issue.

[1] Pooya Bagheri,Wilsun Xu,TianyuDing,ADistributed FilteringScheme toMitigate Harmonics inResidential DistributionSystems, IEEEtransactionsonpowerdelivery,31(2),2016.
[2] V.C. Sekhar,K. Kantand B. Singh,DSTATCOMsupportedinductiongeneratorfor improvingpower quality,"IETRenewablePowerGeneration,10(4),2016, 495-503.
[3] Y.Deng,X.TongandH.Jia,EffectsofvoltageharmonicsonDistributionTransformerLoss,IEEETransactionsonIndustrialInformatics,11(1),2015, 141-154.
[4] K.D.McBeeandM.G.Simoes,Evaluatingthelong-termimpactofacontinuouslyincreasingharmonicdemandonfeeder-levelvoltagedistortion, IEEETrans.Ind.Appl.,50(3) 2014,2142–2149.


Paper Type


Research Paper



The Quantum Key Distribution Devices and Horizon Calculation Over Ocean Surface for Application in Various Naval Vessels






Sureshkumar P H || Dr. R. Rajesh

Page No.



The quantum encryption is a method of key transfer in cryptography by using quantum entanglement of photons. The real power of quantum entanglement is instantaneous communication that is non-interceptable. The advantage of quantum encryption method is, it can be incorporated with conventional encryption methods safely. The quantum cryptography can replace conventional key exchange mechanism with the polarized photons using channels like optic fiber cables. Quantum cryptographic can also provide far and secure data communication. The present day experiments clearly proved that the quantum cryptography can be implemented through medium like optic fiber cable or air. But the distance of transmission through the air is limited by rule of line of sight propagation. The quantum key distribution will have uses in different types of communication between distant parts of earth. So this paper discussing how the visual horizon affect the quantum key distribution in naval applications over the ocean surface.


Keywords: Quantum cryptography, Communication network, Free-space optical communication.

[1]. Marie A. wreight "The Impact of Quantum Computing on Cryptography" Network Security Volume 2000,Issue 9,p 13-15,2000
[2]. Diffie W and Hellman L,"New Directions in Cryptography", IEEE Transac on Information Theory, No. 6 ,1976.
[3]. Richard P Feynman, "Simulating physics with computers" , International journal of theoretical physics ,Volume 21 , Nos 6/7 , pp.467-488,1982
[4]. David Deutsch "Quantum theory, the Church-Turing principle and the universal quantum computer", Proceedings of the Royal Society of London A 400, pp 97-117 , 1985.
[5]. S J Weisner:1983, "Conjugate coding",SIGACT News 15:1 , pp.78-88 , 1983


Paper Type


Research Paper



A Novel Image Classification Method Using Texture Feature Descriptors






Anto.A.Micheal || Anand. T

Page No.



In computer vision, image classification has become an important task to automatically detect objects. Image classification is referred as labeling the images into one of the many predefined categories. Difficulties confronted in classifying the objects prompted the researchers to broaden new solutions to represent visual information. This paper proposes a classification model using the combination of GLCM, HOG, LBP and Gabor features. This proposed approach extracts texture features like GLCM, HOG, LBP and Gabor features from the image. Firstly, the images are classified with GLCM features, secondly they are classified with HOG, LBP and Gabor features, and finally they are classified with the combination of GLCM, HOG, LBP and Gabor features using Naïve Bayes, Adaboost and Random Forest algorithms...............


Keywords: Image Classification, Caltect101 Dataset, GLCM, HOG, LBP, Gabor, Adaboost

[1] Ahmadi, F.S., & Hames, H.S. (2009). "Comparison of Four Classification Methods to Extract Land Use and Land Cover from Raw Satellite Images for Some Remote Arid Areas", JKAU; Earth Science, 20(1), 167-191.
[2] Breiman, L., (2001). "Random Forests", Machine Learning, 45(1),5-32.
[3] Dalal, N., & Triggs, B. (2005). "Histograms of oriented gradients for human detection", Proceedings of the IEEE Computer Society Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition, CVPR 2005, pp. 886–893, San Diego, CA, USA.
[4] Fei-Fei, L., Fergus, R., & Perona, P. (2007). "Learning Generative Visual Models from Few Training Examples: An Incremental Bayesian Approach Tested on 101 Object Categories," Computer Vision and Image Understanding, 106, 59-70.


Paper Type


Research Paper



Improvement of Facility Layout Using Systematic Layout Planning






Maina Eliud C || Muchiri Peter N. || Keraita James N

Page No.



The facilities layout problem is an integral part of facilities planning that aims to systematically arrange and locate all production units within a facility with an objective of improving the production operations of a company. The work reported in this paper aims to study and improve the facility layout of a manufacturing company using Muther's systematic layout planning procedure (SLP) for increased productivity and space utilization. In this case study, the existing layout is studied and the amount of equipment identified. Data on the production processes is investigated and flow analysis conducted. An activity relationship chart is formed, studied and new layout alternatives developed.A multi-criteria decision making tool is then proposed and used to evaluate the developed alternatives which are compared with the existing layout. The SLP method derives an improved layout that improves flow of materials, utilizes space effectively, and is flexible.


Keywords: Facilities planning, Facility Layout Problem, Systematic Layout Planning, Material Handling, Multi-criteria Decision Making.

[1]. Adil Baykasoglu, T. D. (2006). An ant colony algorithm for solving budget constrained and unconstrained dynamic facility layout problems. Omega 34, 385-396.
[2]. Apple, J. (1977). Plant Layout and Material Handling 3rd Edition. New York: John Wiley and Sons.
[3]. Chen, G. Y.-H. (2013). A new data structure of solution representation in hybrid ant colony optimization for large dynamic facility layout problems. International of Production Economics, 362-371.
[4]. Chien, T. (2004). An Empirical Study of Facility Layout Using a Modified SLP Procedure. Journal of Manufacturing Technology Management, Volume 15, Issue 6, 455-465.
[5]. Francesco. (2006). Material Flow Analysis and Plant Layout Optimization of a Manufacturing System. International Scientific Journal of Computing, 107-116.


Paper Type


Research Paper



Modeling the Bioclimatic Welfare of Mazandaran State by Using Bioclimatic Human Models






Abolfazl Barahouei Nezhad || Abubakr Kurd || Elyas Sarhadi

Page No.



In this research bioclimatic welfare bases on methods and human models, Mahoney, Evan, and Becker have been made by using the state‟s 5 top meteorology statistical information during 15 years. According to environmental conditions the results of this article show that the desirable bioclimatic welfare terms increase from the west to the east of the state (4 months in Ramsar and 4 months in Babolsar). Of course these terms will change by the distance of the shore in the east of Qaemshahr but it will not change in unwanted night and day hot and cold cycles. About 4 months in a year it increases in whole day and decreases through the night and in winter unwanted conditions exist through the night but it decrease during the day............


Keywords: Bioclimatic welfare, Mazandaran, Mahany, Evans, Becker, Sustainable development.

[1]. Alijani, B., 1993. A New Approach in the application of climate science in resource management and development of the country, the weather in housing construction, Geographical Research Quarterly, No. 35.
[2]. Aram, M, 2005. Studying and designing the related warm climate with dried one by emphasizing on Kashan‟s master thesis of Tehran university
[3]. Arvin, A.A. 2005. Zoning the native and architectural bioclimatic and optimization the fuel and energy in Isfahan, Isfahan‟s university, geographic group.
[4]. Bahreini, H, Karimi, K, 2002. Environmental planning of Iran for developing the ground (guiding for planning and native stable designing), publishers of Tehran university
[5]. Barradas, V.L. 1991. Air temperature and humidity and human comfort index of some city parks of Mexico City. International Journal of Biometeorology, volume 35, number1


Paper Type


Research Paper



Wettability Alteration Due To So42- Ions Absorption on the Calcite Surface: Molecular Dynamic Simulation






Mohammad Joharifard || BahramHabibnia || Armin Baziari

Page No.



Recently, experimental studies of Wettability alteration is believed to occur in low salinity waterflooding of carbonate rocks. One possible justification for this wettability alteration is that various ions in the water phase (sulphate, cal- cium, magnesium, etc.) enter the formation water due to molecular dissolution. This creates a non-equilibrium state in the pore space that results in water-rock interaction in terms of dissolution/precipitation of minerals and/or changes in surface charge. In this study its tried to investigate the bine- rock interactionon the model surface of calcite by means of molecular dynamics simulations...........


Keywords: Wettability alteration, molecular dynamics simulations, calcite surface, water-rock interaction.

[1]. RezaeiDoust, T. Puntervold, S. Strand, T. Austad, Smart water as wettability modifier in carbonate and sandstone: A discussion of similarities/differences in the chemical mechanisms, Energy & fuels 23 (2009) 4479
[2]. Anderson, W.G. Wettability literature survey- Part 1 : Rock/oi1/brine interactions and theeffects of core handling on wettability. J Pet. Technol. 1986, 38, 1125–1144
[3]. Aslan, S.; Najafabadi, N.F.; Firoozabadi, A. Non-monotonicity of the contact angle from NaCl and MgCl2 concentrations in two petroleum fluids on atomistically smooth surfaces. Energy Fuels 2016, 30, 2858-2864
[4]. Aslan, S.; Najafabadi, N.F.; Firoozabadi, A. Non-monotonicity of the contact angle from NaCl and MgCl2 concentrations in two petroleum fluids on atomistically smooth surfaces.Energy Fuels 2016, 30, 2858-2864


Paper Type


Research Paper



Performance Analysis of Routing Protocols






N Dinesh Kumar || V.S K Reddy

Page No.



Networking plays a prominent role in present day scenario because of its vast expansion of technology throughout the world. However the purpose of networking still remains the same i.e., sharing of information as fast as possible in terms of medium such as electrical cables, fiber optic cables and wireless radio networks. This paper deals regarding efficiency and compatibility of routing protocols based on QoS metrics in a wireless environment. A Mobile Adhoc Network (MANET) environment is created in Network Simulator-2 software, where the nodes move at a particular speed selecting the shortest path to reach the destination from the source. Performance of the network in terms of quality............


Keywords: AODV, AOMDV, DSDV, Jitter, MANET, PDR, QoS, Throughput.

[1]. The network simulator - ns-2. http://www.
[2]. K. Fall and K. Varadhan (Eds.), ns notes and documentation,
[3]. NS by Example,
[4]. NS-2 Trace Formats.
[5]. Computer Networks, Fourth Edition, Andrew S. Tanenbaum


Paper Type


Research Paper



Smart Garbage Management System Using Internet of Things (IOT) For Urban Areas






Ms. Rupa || Ms. Rajni Kumari || Ms. Nisha Bhagchandani || Mr. Ashish Mathur

Page No.



This project manages the garbage collection done by Municipal Corporation with the help of an IOT based embedded device attached to dustbin of each area, this device continuously update the status of dustbins in each area to the website designed for this management. This device continuously detect the level of dustbin using ultrasonic sensor and as the dustbin gets full it will update its status of getting full on the website designed for garbage management along with date and time and will go to waiting state and remain in this state till dustbin gets empty. A timer is also set simultaneously in this state for a fixed duration within which dustbin must be cleaned by the Municipal Corporation. If this timer gets expired and dustbin is not cleaned by their employees on given time then device will sent a message to the higher authority that dustbin not cleaned on time and again set the timer for the same duration and remain in waiting state............


Keywords: Internet of things, Ultrasonic sensor, SIM800 GPRS/GSM module, ATMega16 microcontroller, Garbage Management.

[1]. Medvedev A, Fedchenkov P, Zaslavsky A, Anagnostopoulos T and Khoruzhnikov S 2015 Waste management as an IoT-enabled service in smart cities in Conference on Smart Spaces Springer International Publishing 104-15.
[2]. Navghane S S, Killedar M S and Rohokale D V 2016 IoT Based Smart Garbage and Waste Collection Bin International Journal of Advanced Research in Electronics and Communication Engineering (IJARECE) 5 1576-78.
[3]. Monika K A, Rao N, Prapulla S B and Shobha G 2016 Smart Dustbin-An Efficient Garbage Monitoring System International Journal of Engineering Science and Computing 6 7113-16
[4]. IIoT Based Waste Management for Smart City Parkash1, Prabu V2 PG Diploma Student and Dept.of Embedded System Design, NIELIT, Calicut, and Kerala, India International Journal of Innovative Research in Computer and Communication Engineering, Vol. 4, Issue 2, February 2016.
[5]. IOT Smart Garbage Monitoring System in Cities-An Effective Way to Promote Smart City Palaghat Yaswanth Sai Department of Computer Science and Engineering, Narayana Engineering College, Gudur, Andhra Pradesh, India Volume 7, Issue 2, February 2017


Paper Type


Research Paper



Ultimate Axial Strength Equation of RC Thin Walls with Openings






Soontaek Oh || Dongjun Lee

Page No.



An experimental test of RC thin wall specimens with high strength concrete up to 100 MPa had been undertaken to investigate the ultimate axial strength of reinforced concrete wall panels with various opening configurations. Background and test rig are stated briefly. An empirical equation using regression analysis based on the test results is proposed. An opening index of the equation is described in detail with respect to opening size and location considering both vertical and horizontal directions.


Keywords: Ultimate axial strength, RC thin walls, Opening configuration index, Empirical equation.

[1]. J.H. Doh, and S. Fragomeni, Evaluation of experimental work on concrete walls in one and two-way action, Australian Journal of Structural Engineering, 6(1), 2005, 37-51.
[2]. S.M. Saheb and P. Desayi, Ultimate strength of RC wall panels in one-way in-plane action, ASCE Journal of Structural Engineering, 115(10), 1989, 2617-2630.
[3]. J.H. Doh, and S. Fragomeni, Ultimate load formula for reinforced concrete wall panels with openings, Advances in Structural Engineering, 9(1), 103-115.
[4]. S.M. Saheb and P. Desayi, Ultimate strength of RC wall panels with openings, ASCE Journal of Structural Engineering, 116(6), 1990, 1565-1578


Paper Type


Research Paper



Power Quality Improvement: Algorithmic and Performance Analysis






Naresh Kumar Yadav

Page No.



Through an extensive utilization of power electronic devices in power system like inverter, rectifier and so on, the scenario creates a major problem with respect to power quality. Some of the problems related to the power quality improvement are creation of current and voltage harmonics creating distortion in load waveform, voltage dip, voltage fluctuation, heating of equipment, etc. In this paper, 20 research works under various power quality improvement methods are analyzed. Finally, the analytic results are viewed under pictorial representation and tabulation.


Keywords: Power Quality, Harmonics, Algorithm Analysis, Performance Measures.

[1] C. Bhattacharjee and B. K. Roy, "Fuzzy-supervisory control of a hybrid system to improve contractual grid support with fuzzy proportional–derivative and integral control for power quality improvement," IET Generation, Transmission & Distribution, vol. 12, no. 7, pp. 1455-1465, 4 10 2018.
[2] S. Mokkapaty, J. Weiss, F. Schalow and J. Declercq, "New generation voltage regulation distribution transformer with an on load tap changer for power quality improvement in the electrical distribution systems," CIRED - Open Access Proceedings Journal, vol. 2017, no. 1, pp. 784-787, 10 2017.
[3] A. Mortezaei, M. G. Simões, T. D. C. Busarello, F. P. Marafão and A. Al-Durra, "Grid-Connected Symmetrical Cascaded Multilevel Converter for Power Quality Improvement," IEEE Transactions on Industry Applications, vol. 54, no. 3, pp. 2792-2805, May-June 2018.
[4] S. Prakash P, R. Kalpana, B. Singh and G. Bhuvaneswari, "Design and Implementation of Sensorless Voltage Control of Front-End Rectifier for Power Quality Improvement in Telecom System," IEEE Transactions on Industry Applications, vol. 54, no. 3, pp. 2438-2448, May-June 2018.
[5] H. Myneni, G. Siva Kumar and D. Sreenivasarao, "Dynamic dc voltage regulation of split-capacitor DSTATCOM for power quality improvement," IET Generation, Transmission & Distribution, vol. 11, no. 17, pp. 4373-4383, 11 30 2017.